“The Mummy and the Story of the Girl Inside: Tomb Stories Shared with the World”

“The girl’s mother was with two mothers inside the tomb of KV35. This was a cache of mummies looted from the New Kingdom placed there by priests of the Third Intermediate Period. The Eldest Lady and the mummy of a child were found next “The Eldest Lady has now been identified as Queen Tiye, wife of Amenhotep III, and the young man is suspected to be her son, Prince Thutmose or Webensenu.”


“All the women were completely naked, without bandages or coverings. Other women are in this place with their male friends, giving them files to identify them. This is the most essential of these in the rest of the stash. The Young Lady is also called KV35YL or 61072, the latter formally identified in the Cairo Museum.


Loret, the archaeologist who discovered the tomb, originally determined that the Young Lady’s mummy was that of a man. This error was probably due to the mummy’s shaved head, which was typical of Egyptian men. “What happened to G. Elliot Smith determined that he was a woman.”

""""""“He was between 25 and 35 years old when he died. He was 5 feet 2 inches tall and of slim build. The mummy is in very poor condition, although some of the wounds were post-mortem.

The only prominent wounds (before death) are those on the front of the mouth and cheek. Some pieces of fractured bone are missing and the embalmers placed a roll of resin-soaked linen into the wound. Scholars have determined that this was likely due to an accident with an animal-like horse or chariot. It could have been the result of a heavy object hitting her face, an animal such as a horse kicking the Young Woman in the face, or a car accident. “He is also violent because they probably hit his skull with an axe.”


“The other injuries can be attributed to the looters. It has a small oval-shaped hole in the front of the skull, and some fragments were found without the cavity. Apparently, there was an attempt to embalm or remove his brain, as a shake was found in his skull. The front part of his chest wall is also missing. His heart was not in place and remains invisible in his chest cavity. The diaphragm had two holes from which the lungs were removed during the embalming process. Furthermore, his torso was full of resin.”

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